Monday, April 27, 2015

All electric and hybrid cars pollute air and earth much more than cars driven on gasoline! News Update by Top Experts on Cars and Environment!

Top Experts on Cars at Stream Information Brokers company to reveal the Real Truth about the self-called "eco-friendly" electric and hybrid cars, those largest lies in News and Media and the largest pollution that come from them!  It is true!  They use the electricity produced by burning the worst polluter ever COAL at electrical power generating plants!

You could read even more shocking Truth Revelations on "eco-friendly" electric and hybrid cars, prices on them and the Main Reason why the car manufacturers did not fight back against the those  ideas by government bureaucrats and environmentalists in the bestseller book written by Top Expert on Cars and Auto Industry "100 Best Car Fuel Economy Tips. Top Secret Revelations of Car Industry."  Check out what inside it, order it online 24-7 at click URL

All this time the environmentalists had screamed and lied to everybody that gasoline and diesel powered cars, trucks are the biggest air and earth  polluters in the world!  All those environmentalists should be punished for spreading lies and misleading USA!

Now already hundreds thousands of those self-called "eco-friendly" electric and hybrid cars, trucks,SUVs, large delivery trucks, school buses are driving around with the growing demand for that so eco-friendly fuel called electricity!

Here is the very agly Real Truth! 

Maybe at the very beginning of one great idea you could account that "no emissions from car itself" statement was the some kind of realistic fact while there were small numbers of electric and hybrid vehicles!

Order 15 pages Special Report by Top Experts on the largest Environmental problems with ...electric and hybrid cars for only $6.99USD at this URL


The constantly growing demand for more and more electricity to power those hundreds thousands now and all time growing the largest FLEET of those self-called "eco-friendly" electric and hybrid vehicles is mostly  balanced by supply of electricity produced by ... coal burning electrical power plants!  Yes! Now the 70% of all electricity comes from burning the worst  air and earth  polluter in the world called COAL!

Now just imagine the many millions of "eco-friendly" electric and hybrid would roam the earth and demand more and more electricity!  We are looking at one man created largest global Environmental Disaster in the future while currently being seen only locally in China, other developing countries as smog and coal burned dust  in largest chinese cities from coal burning electrical power plants!

Here is the fact!  That great idea would suddenly become the worst idea ever!

Maybe in the some far away future time with invented some brand new other much cleaner ways of producing the electricity those electric vehicles would be the only transportation on earth!  But Not NOW!

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