It is the time for you to find out the Truth about the rising in the near future(2013) up to $10USD per gallon car gas, car gasoline prices! You could simple, easy, fast do just that with New Book " Top100 Best Car Fuel Economy Tips to Survive Rising Prices. Bible. Book of Revelations."
Your waiting is over! New Amazing New Breakthrough Fantastic Book and Car Fuel Economy Bible on How to Survive High car fuel Prices and add regular savings of Extra 3000 -7000 dollars and more for each car in 1 year to your family budget is finally HERE! You would really need this Top 100 Best Hottest Fuel Economy Tips and never published before Top Secret Revelations on Car Manufacturers Best Kept Inside Secrets on Fuel Economy from Car Guru in order to Survive the soon would be Rising Car Fuel Prices!
Car Gas Prices at $2.50 per gallon? It is all in the past! It is a lie to promiss lower current car gas prices to that level! Oil companies and Government are not interested in lowering car gas prices and even in keeping those prices at current $3.60-4.00USD per gallon levels! You could find Here below -Why?
Government policies are directed to reduce, make less dependence on Foreign oil. Higher car gas prices would greatly reduce amounts of car gas consumed and would reduce amounts of imported oil to solve this dependence problem.
The Oil companies want to make same or more profits even with new EPA car fuel economy numbers of 40mpg. You will be forced to buy needed car gas for price much higher current $3.50 per gallons. Future EPA rates of 55MPG would very soon push car gas prices to level of car gas prices in Europe of $10USD or more per gallon!
Hybrid cars 50-100MPG fuel economy? It is a lie! Thousands of people had bought the hybrid cars and paid twice as much than regular gasoline cars prices on false promiss of largest savings on fuel to quickly reward them at gas pump! It is not The Reality! Not so FAST! First of all they all are struggling to repay those large double in size in comparison to gasoline car loans. It is inside car industry secret, that in stop-go city traffic in real life prolong many years use hybrid cars would have less than 30-35 MPG. You could expect savings to begin 7-10 years into ownership if the hybrid would not break ealier! The hybrid owners could not sell and return some money because nobody is buying used hybrids!

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