Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Top10 Best Negotiating Car for Sale Tips

Announcing upcoming in next months the breaking news blog post Top10 Car Maintenance Tips.
Most people perceive negotiating for a new car as an extremely stressfull and difficult for them experience.  Many of car buyers come to new car dealership like the amateurs negotiators with the attitude that car salespersons are their friends and they would be happy to sell car buyers awesome new car for spectacular lowest price.  The stress and the difficulties in negotiations of new or used car purchases would all come from those rare situations while you did not know what to expect from the second party at this negotiations. The car buyers expected the smiles on the faces, total honesty, complete upfront disclosure of all fees and charges by the car sale signed contract, excellent customer service. They are simply forgotten one thing. The new car dealerships are resellining the new cars they just have purchased from the car manufacturers.  The used car dealers are reselling the preowned cars they have bought cheat througn wholesale, at auctions, surplus sales, many other ways.  The monthly salaries and bonuses of hundreds of people working at dealerships, car sellers  are totally depending on the as large as possible the difference between the higher car sales price to you and the lowest amount of money that new and used car dealers paid for to the manufacturer or previous used car owners.  There is no other way for the salesperson to "make a living."  This is their work and business to make more money by taking from you more money, because they already bought those cars and would not negotiate the sale price with manufacturers and used cars auctions. But in the reality the negotiaon to buy a new car is actually simpler than almost any other negotiation that you will ever undertake. Just prepare yourself and execute the presented here top 10 car purchase negotiating tips.
1. Always Do your Research, Homework before Negotiations.
The cornerstone in the foundation for the success in any negotiations is the knowledge upfront ,ahead about all possible situations, Q &A, problems and planning ahead your best responses.  The true dealer cost is made up of four components - Dealer Invoice, Advertised Rebates, Hidden Dealer Incentives and the Holdback. So before we do anything else, we have to find out what the dealer paid for the car.  In fact prepare the short list of new and used car dealers that put for sale the brands, makes, models of new and used cars you wanna buy. Just find the true dealer costs on the cars you would like for all sellers and all cars on your list.  You could not be focused on only one dealer and only one car you like for the success of negotiations.  But most of the car buyers would make the research on car prices after negotiations and purchasing new, used car.  Only then they would find that same model sold at another dealer for a cheaper price!
2.  Visit and Negotiate with many dealers, car sellers.
The best negotiation tactique is to negotiate with the number of dealers from different car manufacturers at the same time.  Then you would "play those car dealers against each other" to get the best offer with lowest car sales price including any any rebates, factory direct incentives. Always come prepared to leave and go to another dealer, seller.
The largest mistake of the new and used car buyers during the car buying process and negotiations that they would visit only one dealer with just one car they would like to buy.  This is the most popular and proven very successful sales strategy  by all sales persons. The ideal case and largest money profits awaits the salespersons with the hundreds car buyers have seen advertisement and come at dealership at the same time while the dealer got only 50 or less this model cars. Then the car buyers are fighting each other and the dealer could ask fo much higher price than advertised. It almost as the auction with the lucky car buyers would pay the highest dealer price without any rebates, factory direct incentives even mentioned in the negotiations won by sales persons.
3. Start your negotiations with the negotiations on the deal-the car total final sales price to you by the sales contract before signing it!                                                                                                                        Do not play any mind control games with the salesperson, sales manager, all of them together.  Their game is to take the total control over the negotiations by asking you about your method of payments for purchased car.  Then they would prefer to play the game of numbers by placing the financing and car final price in that one negotiations.  You would not notice when did you lost track on the negotiations.
 You should state from the beginning that you would negotiate the financing and payments later annd separately after negotiating the final car sales price! First of all get an sales price offer on both the new car and on the trade-in.  It should be equal or below the car sticker price or advertised price.  The new car price negotiations should include your demand to get all promisses from the advertisement, rebates, factory direct incentives, other dealers limited time offers and exclusive only to you offers!
Then respond that the offer on the trade-in is much too low and  drop the trade-in from the discussion and focus solely on the new car until that negotiation is completed. Then Make Your Counteroffer on the New Car.  Tell the salesperson that you would buy the car at dealer invoice less rebates and demonstrate your knowledge with numbers!. Now you need to make it clear that invoice less rebates is your firm offer for the car.  Ask the negotiating salespersons, managers if that was the best they could DO(offer)?  You should repeat asking this question during the negotiations after you got form seller some definite sales price numbers as many times as the price was negotiated down.
4.  Do not come alone to Visit and Negotiate with many dealers, car sellers.  Prepare and take the team, adults, family but without children and pets.
Many car buyers lost their negotiations because of the multiple salespersons, sales managers are teaming together against you alone.  It is better to come on the negotiations with the large team preapared to support,help you act as one representative from the team to receive offers, make counter offers, meet the problems.  You would have many eyes, ears watching the negotiations, discussing the preliminary results.  And it would be the best to come with the independent ASE certified mechanic or prepurchase car inspector in order to avoid, prevent the car seller scams while buying the used car even from the large and reputable new car dealer.
5.  Get the car loan, financing approved before you start shopping and Visits, Negotiations with many dealers, car sellers.
It would happened so often that the car buyers had decided to make the car purchase on the moment notice, in urgency while the only car available got broken.  And they would start negotiating without car loan, financing approval.  Then only rare and very lucky individuals would get the negotiated final car sales price and the proper financing, loan right there at the car dealer showroom.  Almost all car buyers without their own bank loan, financing would got cheated with the monthly payments and financing rates out of the negotiated sales price. They would be left with many years of the higher monthly premium payments at the highest possible financing rates to make happy the car dealer with additional many thousands dollars more in profits exceeded your negotiated final car price.

For complete Top10 Tips, For more details and Top Experts advice order the complete article at with your email address to receive article in PDF as email attachment! Thank You!

To order now 24-7 the 20 pages Special Report from Top Experts on Secrets of Car Sales Negotiations order at with your email address to receive Report in PDF as email attachment! Thank You!

For more Breaking News, Top and Best Expertise on manyother different important for you topics,subjects visit the 1Best World Breaking News Internet Portal at  and at Stream Information Brokers website!


Friday, August 30, 2013

Top10 Latest Unique Concept Car Designs

Announcing the upcoming in next month the new unique Breaking News Posts Top10 Car Buying Sale Price Negotiation Tips.

 You and may professional writers for major automotive magazines should know the difference between the concept cars, prototype cars and the production cars.  At the beginning the auto maker, manufacturer unveiled at some International Auto Show the futuristic looking concept car with some new incredible designer' idea to score some news and media publicity and to check the publict interest, demand.  Then car maker would produce the prototype car with the exterior very close to the showcased concept car and with real working engine, powertrain, seats, all major car exterior and interior parts to get reviewed by experts and the general public. At this moment the exotic car makers would pre-sell, take orders from rich car buyers to build for them hand made unique rare sports supercars. And the mass-production car manufacturers then designed and built the production cars.  Their attention is completely on reducing the costs of mass producing the ordinary cars.  Those production cars got very different from the concept cars and most of them got almost nothing left from the futuristic concept cars designs!

1. Bugatti 57 Atlantic

This is an incredible concept that was designed to focus on both the outside of the car and its performance. The design is credited to the French Designer Bruno Delussu. The front of the vehicle reminds us of Jaguar, but the rest is something car enthusiasts never seen before. The two-seater car surely looks very beautiful, but it is less likely to be developed in the near future. The concept looks so futuristic that there are two possible scenarios: whether it will still remain a concept or it will be produced in the next century. The designer gave us a hint- as long as we can imagine, he can create and design whatever he wants.

2. Nissan Motivity 400C

This vehicle represents how designers at Nissan envision the future of automaking and I must say they see it quite interesting, to say the least. Motivity 400C is a vehicle that boasts a wide range of incredible functional features. It takes advantage of maglev’s engine system that adds more power to the car and every tire allows the driver to control the vehicle with ease. Having a triangular shape the vehicle considerably reduces air resistance when driving at great speeds and increases the car’s acceleration, thus saving a lot of power. A wonderful concept from a great carmaker.

3. Peugeot Angel
From its name you can guess that angels served as an inspiration for the design of this incredible concept. The car was designed for city use. Peugeot Angel represents a mix of futuristic and retro looks. Its front wheels work just like on standard vehicles but the rear wheels work on idea of opposite magnetic fields circulation, developing a magnetic field that levitate the car in its back. Such technology allows the car to be much lighter, plus less power is needed.

4. Mercedes Benz Hexawheel
This new Mercedes Benz Hexawheel utility vehicle(Truck,SUV) design is meant to take off road. With six wheels, the inspiration behind the concept car is an ant. Just like an ant's body sections can move separate from each other, the Hexawheel's rear storage is connected by a hinge allowing it to move independently of the front seating section.

5. Terrena
This model was designed to be able to pass through different types of terrain found in America. Terrene features a unique tire mechanism that is able to adapt the dimensions of the vehicle to a variety of terrain types, which makes it possible for the user to drive safely in various conditions. The reduced height of the vehicle along with a large wheel diameter improves Terrena’s functionality. The car also boasts integrated sensors that signal the driver about road conditions. In case the sensors identify a good road condition the vehicle’s wheels become wide and Terrena decreases its height to become more stable, allowing you to control it easier at high speed. In addition, this futuristic concept is covered with flexible materials that have an interesting and useful feature – they “absorb” any deformations that occur as a result of impact with different objects.

For complete Top10 List, For more details and Top Experts advice order the complete article at with your email address to receive article in PDF as email attachment! Thank You!

For more Breaking News, Top and Best Expertise on manyother different important for you topics,subjects visit the 1Best World Breaking News Internet Portal at  and at Stream Information Brokers website!

Get Pre-Ordered now Upcoming New 2013 Bestseller Book 100 Best Car Fuel Economy Tips. Top Secret Revelations of Car Industry.

Announcing the upcoming in next month blog posts  Top10 Best Car Sale Price Negotiation Tips

You should hurry and get pre-ordered now upcoming new 2013 awesome unique one of kind bestseller book 100 Best Car Fuel Economy Tips. Top Secret Revelations of Car Industry.  
It is almost ready by Stream Information Brokers and would be published, printed by the soon  and not long before the 2013 Holiday Season and your shopping for gifts even started.
The author and Publishers of this upcoming in the 2013 New Book and bestseller "100 Best Car Fuel Economy Tips. Top Secret Revelations of Car Industry!" want to give you now the exclusive VIP chance to Pre-Order Now this sensational Book that could alone easy change your life to the better in the near future!  You Pay ZERO $0.00 now for pre-order!

All you need to do is to send the Publishers of book, Stream Information Brokers the email at with your current email address, formal written acceptance of this invitation and request on book preorder -title of book(several upcoming books are on the pre-order now) .  We would include you in the book VIP offer mailing list to inform that book have being printed and now on sale!  But wait -here is more inside this awesome VIP offer!

You could be also offered the large discounts to the book list price on the online purchases directly from the Stream Information Brokers website, estore!
Is it to much to ask for the Unique, One of Kind Real Life chance to learn  more about the best car fuel economy, fuel efficiency and become the foremost expert on this always hottest topic of talk in all social circles, groups, communities?

 Forget everything what you have seen in printed books, articles, online articles, blog posts about the better car fuel efficiency.  It was done by the AMATEURS!   They all want to make some money on this largest interest to everything breaking news in cars as most people are the drivers and car owners! Each and every  writer, columnist, journalist, reporter for the car magazines, newspapers, car blogs, car auctions websites  accounted himself or herself  the one of the best and foremost top experts on this hot topic, subject as car fuel economy.  They are simply using the people' every day survival, great interest, attention to the news in the latest breaking news on the cutting edge automotive technology to become popular, boost traffic to sites, blogs and sell some of their written words to the publishers and you!
Those self-proclaimed top experts and "car industry professionals" know nothing or very little about the cars, car engines and car fuel economy.  They had never been inside the car industry and are making their living by telling to you, every other member of general public, crowd what they had heard in stories told by the real experts on cars.  They do not have any knowledge, skills, experience and the expertise to write about or even mention the car fuel economy and cutting edge automotive technology.   All they have is the borrowed technical language, specialty terms, industry jargon.  Those amateurs are simply hiding behind the technical language, phrases, jargon to make them look car professionals!

Check out here now online 24-7 other New 2013 bestseller books already on sale at, other largest street and online book stores chains and independent retailers!
Book "How to Win Millions Dollars in Bets on Horse Races. Handicapper's Secrets."!
Book  "10 Best World Most Expensive Fastest Exotic Cars." at this URL

Or you could easy find , order, purchase, buy and pay now online 24-7 for them all for sale in one stop at the Stream Information Brokers by clicking this URL link!

For more Breaking News, Top and Best Expertise on manyother different important for you topics,subjects visit the 1Best World Breaking News Internet Portal at  and at Stream Information Brokers website!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Top 10 Most Fuel Efficient Cars of 2013-2014

Upcoming in next month the New unique Breaking News Posts Top10 Best Car Price Negotiating Tips.

You would be very surprised but the hybrids and electric cars did not get the first 3(three) spots in the latest Top10 List of Most Fuel Efficient Cars for 2013-2014 compiled by the Best Top experts on cars and car fuel economy.  It is because they did not use the news and media advertised false estimated fuel economy ratings for the hybrids of 50-60 mpg on the highway and 40mpg in the city.  The real people and the current owners, drivers of the hybrid cars are already complaining about much lower real life received fuel economy.
And they are already trying to take the manufacturers to court with the lawsuits for the consumer fraud and cheating them.  The car manufacturers' leadership had read the published in 2011 bestseller book "Top100 Fuel Economy Tips to Survive Rising Prices. Bible. Book of Revelations."
The book had clearly declared the diesel engine as the winner and number One best choice for most fuel efficient car engine in comparison even with the hybrids and the electric cars.
You could get more details inside that bestseller book sold now at, other online and street stores.  Here is the direct URL link to see the inside pages and to order- !
Here is the Top10 List!
1.  2013 Volkswagen Jetta with Turbodiesel engine.
It is consumed 30 mpg diesel fuel in the city and 42mpg on the highway.  The car has the 2.0l 140hp turbo diesel engine with a 6-speed manual transmission, 4-wheel ABS and an efficient overdrive system. You can select between 42 trims options. The ownership costs around $27,000 dollars.
2. The upcoming 2014 Chevrolet Cruze with turbodiesel engine
The new 2014 Chevrolet Cruze would arrive in the dealers' showrooms this fall.  It has the estimated fuel economy ratings of 28 mpg in the city and 42 on the highway.  The new Chevrolet Cruze will pack a 2.0 turbocharged clean diesel engine with 148 hp and 258 lbs of torque.
3. The already bestseller 2013 Volkswagen Passat with gasoline engine.
Volkswagen wasn’t joking when they stated that they are preparing to build the most fuel efficient car in the world and both the Jetta and Passat 2013 models stand proof of that. And, the truth is that the differences between the two are not really that noticeable, meaning that Passat consumes an additional gallon compared to Jetta. Considering that Jetta’s design is smaller and that it features a magnificent instrument panel, the one gallon difference could be justified.
4. The 2013 Honda Civic Hybrid car
As you could see here the Honda does better with it smallest hybrid car than the Toyota with the so widely and aggressively promoted the 3d and 4th generations of the Toyota Prius hybrid car. Honda Civic hybrid car has fuel economy rating of the 38-44 mpg for city and highway combined driving. The drivers are fooled into the overlooking the real life fact that the vehicle cannot operate at low speeds(in the city) on battery power alone with the new interior leather option and substantial exterior improvements. Because of that fuel economy is much lower and not even close to projected for all hybrid cars the 50-60mpg range!
5. The 2013 Lincoln MKZ Hybrid car from Ford car manufacturer.
The Lincoln MKZ hybrid car engine has a design similar to the 2.0l 141 hp engine on the Ford Fusion.  But its advantage resides in the better fuel economy with the EPA ratings at 38- 45 mpg for combined the city and the highway driving. The luxury car brand from Ford could somehow appeal now to all those environmentalists and rich green movement activists.  This way Ford decided to compete with the Toyota and its Lexus hybrid cars for some market share in luxury car segment of total car market!

For complete Top10 Tips, For more details and Top Experts advice order the complete article at with your email address to receive article in PDF as email attachment! Thank You!

For more Breaking News, Top and Best Expertise on manyother different important for you topics,subjects visit the 1Best World Breaking News Internet Portal at  and at Stream Information Brokers website!


Friday, July 19, 2013

Get Pre-Ordered now Upcoming New 2013 Bestseller Full Color Book 10 Best World Top Performance Unique Sports Supercars.

Announcing the upcoming in next month blog posts  Get preorder 2013 Book 100 Best Car Fuel Economy Tips. Top Secret Revelations of Car Industry.             
You should hurry and get pre-ordered now upcoming new 2013 awesome unique one of kind full color book 10 Best World Top Performance Unique Sports Supercars!   This is the One of Kind Book and the unique reference guide with All-around Color Pictures,Technical Data, Performance Specifications, Car maker History for the 2013-2014 list of the 10 World Best Top Performance Unique Sports Cars.  Any other printed in car magazines, posted into online publications, downloaded as digital ebooks, viewed as youtube videos just totally incomplete and cheap imitations of the Real 2013-2014 list of 10 best top performance rare sports cars list as presented in this Awesome Book!
And You are invited to be the one of the few first and chosen very limited number of people to get your hands on this Piece Of Art and Unique Creative work with the encyclopedia quality information, reference data, full color all-around pictures for the 2013-2014 10 best top performance rare sports cars never presented like in this fantastic book anywhere else ever before!
It is almost ready by Stream Information Brokers and would be published, printed by the soon  and not long before the 2013 Holiday Season and your shopping for gifts even started.
The author and Publishers of this upcoming in the 2013 New bestseller Book 10 Best World Top Performance Unique Sports Supercars want to give you now the exclusive VIP chance to Pre-Order Now this sensational Book that could alone easy change your life to the better in the near future!  You Pay ZERO $0.00 now for pre-order!
All you need to do is to send the Publishers of book, Stream Information Brokers the email at with your current email address, formal written acceptance of this invitation and request on book preorder -title of book(several upcoming books are on the pre-order now) .  We would include you in the book VIP offer mailing list to inform that book have being printed and now on sale!  But wait -here is more inside this awesome VIP offer!

You could be also offered the large discounts to the book list price on the online purchases directly from the Stream Information Brokers website, estore!
Is it to much to ask for the Unique, One of Kind Real Life chance to learn  more about the 10 Best Unique Rare Sports Supercars, get the dream about owning one and become the foremost expert on this always hottest topic of talk in all social circles, groups, communities?

 Forget everything what you have seen in printed books, articles, online articles, blog posts, videos as unique, rare, exotic sports cars.  It was done by the AMATEURS!   They all want to make some money on this largest interest to everything New, Unique, Intriguing in cars as most people are the drivers and car owners!  Each and every  writer, columnist, journalist, reporter for the car magazines, newspapers, car blogs, car auctions websites  accounted himself or herself  the one ofthe best and foremost top experts on this hot topic, subject as unique, rare, exotic sports cars.  They are simply using the people great interest, attention to the news in the latest breaking news on the cutting edge automotive technology to become popular, boost traffic to sites, blogs and sell some of their written words to the publishers and you!  Those self-proclaimed top experts and "car industry professionals" know nothing or very little about the cars, car manufacturing, car testing.  They had never been inside the car industry and are making their living by telling to you, every other member of general public, crowd what they had heard in stories told by the real industry insiders.  They do not knowledge, skills, experience and the expertise to write about or even mention the cutting edge automotive technology.   All they have is the borrowed technical language, specialty terms, industry jargon.  Those amateurs are simply hiding behind the technical language, phrases, jargon to make them look car professionals!

Check out here now online 24-7 other New 2013 bestseller books already on sale at, other largest street and online book stores chains and independent retailers!

Book "How to Win Millions Dollars in Bets on Horse Races. Handicapper's Secrets."!

Book  "10 Best World Most Expensive Fastest Exotic Cars." at this URL

Or you could easy find , order, purchase, buy and pay now online 24-7 for them all for sale in one stop at the Stream Information Brokers by clicking this URL link !

For more Breaking News, Top and Best Expertise on manyother different important for you topics,subjects visit the 1Best World Breaking News Internet Portal at  and at Stream Information Brokers website!


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Top10 Worst Car Seller Scams

Scam 1. The advertised Incentives on sold New cars like the "Thousands Dollars off regular price, cash back , Zero interest financing" had expired just before you got to new car dealership!
You should see in ad clear stated or mention the expiration date. Otherwise it is the scam!
Most of the ordinary car buyers do not receive them!  It is just the Dirty Advertising Trick to make car buyers visit the dealership!  Then the salesforce would force the buyers to buy something now in "1Stop shopping" instead of "wasting their time for shopping elswhere"!
In most cases the sales persons would try to cheat you from receiving any legitimate advertised incentives even you had arrived long before expiration date.  It would be very easy, simple, fast to create many pages paperwork of funal car sale contract to show you negotiated price without incentives and claim for internal use that thousands dollars in incentives were given to the car buyers. This way the sellers done nothing at all and make large money profits on each car sale in addition to posted profits at finishing the car sale money transactions!  Only VIPs, other useful for dealer people could get the advertised benefits!
Scam 2. The advertised CARFAX vehicle history reports  now offered for millions of used vehicles sold on eBay, dealerships by the dishonest online and street car dealers, sellers are incomplete and would not prevent You from buying totalled and restored, repainted junk vehicle with legally clean car title!
Many thousands small body repair shops are buying such destroyed vehicles straight from their owners with the clean title.  Then they welded together, restored one vehicle from the 2 or more junk vehicles.  Then they selected from the CARFAX the better looking great vehicle history report out of reports on all junk vehicles.  The repainted car with legally clean title and "Great" CARFAX report could be now advertised on eBay and sold at thousands new and used car dealers nationwide to scam the ordinary unsuspecting anything bad sold with CARFAX car buyers out of fullcar purchase price of $20,000 or more just on one car sale. Many ordinary buyers cannot even read and translate the language from the car history records inside CARFAX reports!   They are totally relying just on the CARFAX summary statement, that "No accidents, No flood, No fire Reported" in the vehicle history by those sold reports!  But experienced prepurchase car inspectors could interpret the details inside the the car history records and uncover big dirty secrets in the history of this particular vehicle during the prepurchase inspection for car buyers!

 3. The advertised  and sold as "certified" or even "factory certified" pre-owned vehicles in reality are just the another new car dealers scam in order to sell as quick as possible the used cars trade-ins inventory and return to their selling new cars business! 
You would buy just the same used car only with label  "certified" or even "factory certified".  The people from factory(car manufacturer) had never seen or touch any of labeled cars!
And the car could have bad working car engine, transmission and got labeled "certified"!
Those reconditioned used cars in good overall condition (or not) passed the 30-100 points inspections, cosmetic repair and service by the repair technician, mechanic and outfitted with new tires, new carpet, new seats covers, other easy and cheap to replace parts to ask even the larger money for $500 add-on new parts.  Some large dealers like Autonation and Carmax would even completely repaint some low mileage, high resell value, in great demand vehicles to raise the asked price even higher to the limits of limited use showroom storage Kelly Book resell value condition!

4. The tampering with the odometer to "recondition" vehicle into low mileage car, SUV!
"The American car buyers fall victim to more than 450,000 cases of odometer fraud every year..."- NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Tampering with an odometer is a federal crime. The U.S. Department of Justice estimates odometer fraud costs consumers an average of $4,000 per car. Those estimates are figured by comparing the price paid for the tampered car against its actual value.  Determining the true condition of a used vehicle is the responsibly of the buyer. If you are buying a low mileage used vehicle  - have it professionally inspected for odometer tampering, previous accident damage, abuse and misuse, incomplete vehicle history discosure (even with CARFAX on hands). And it better to be done by  professionals from 1Best Pre-Purchase Car Onsite Inspections, Mobile ASE Mechanics for car buyers in Houston,Tx to avoid, prevent buying the repainted junk,salvaged and loosing $20000 or more to car seller scams (!

5. The car buyers would pay more for the vehicles covered by manufacturer, dealer and aftermarket repair warranties.                                 
 The new car manufacturers give to all new cars their standard new car warranties fro whole car and for power train.  And all new car buyers got presented at car dealer with the offers to purchase the optional and "better" warranties packages in the price range of thousands dollars extra to paid car price.  You need to know about such scams.  The used car buyers would like to pay more and buy vehicle still seems to be covered ( by the car mileage, car age) by manufacturer' warranty!   Generally, there are three sources for late model used vehicles with remaining original factory warranty; rental vehicles, leased vehicles, and individual owners. These newer previously owned vehicles have a higher than average chance of odometer tampering and/or accident damage which will void their warranty. Car dealers, manufactures are now taking an aggressive approach to refuse warranty claims leaving the current owner to pay for repairs. Some new companies now advertise and sell the repair warranties for old and 100000 miles and more mileage vehicles.  Those warranties are mostly the scam to collect monthly premiums money payments in advance from the car owners. Then the company owners would decide privately to pay your broken car repair bill or refuse to pay the car repair bills at all on the individual case by case approach!

For complete Top10 Tips, For more details and Top Experts advice order the complete article with your email address to receive article in PDF as email attachment! Thank You!

For more Breaking News, Top and Best Expertise on manyother different important for you topics,subjects visit the 1Best World Breaking News Internet Portal at  and at Stream Information Brokers website!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Top10 Worst Most Popular Car Accident Insurance Frauds

You and all other drivers should be aware about the many thousands dishonest individuals and even large groups, teams of scam artists and helpers that want to make money the quick, simple and easy but illegal way!   Most of car owners would be horrified to learn that some drivers on the road at same time actually prepared to organize the car accidents, present themself as real victums, scam the auto insurance companies to pay many thousands dollars in each scam for car repairs and medical expenses bills.  And you may be their next set up in the real accident or just paper scam victim.   And Your paid for car insurance mothly Premiums money amounts would skyrocket!
1.  You and your car rear ended the car in front driven by experienced scam artist  in the "real"  accident.
All the laws everywhere are on the side of such "victum". It is does not matter for legal authorities or for the most of the insurance companies's own investigators.  The law says that driver in following car should steer clear from the rear end of the car in front in case of the panic stop or any other accident collision situations.  The scam (fraud) "artist" posed as the victum and would intentionally move a little slower than the other cars just a few feet in front of your vehicle in the highway or city traffic and then suddenly come to a sudden stop or even more slow speed. Just the individuals scamsters could collect the many thousands of dollars on the car repairs and body injuries treatment, other medical expenses paid by your insurance company. And Your current regular paid for car insurance mothly Premiums money amounts would skyrocket as your insurance company would want you to recover some money lost on payments to such scamsters! And You should add to this large money loss the registered accident in your previously spotless driving records!  There are less and less the individuals scamsters onthe road.   Now they all are organized in teams with their own doctors, lawyers, car insurance agents, car damage estimators at body repair shops to collect the as much as possible in $10000 or more from your car insurance.
2.  You and your car rear ended  the car in front full of scam actors-passengers after the fake car panic stop accident.                                                                                      The teams of criminals with their own doctors, lawyers, car insurance agents, car damage estimators at body repair shops would gather a number of passengers and skilled actors with the fake or real but not from this accident and not reported to doctors back, spine and neck injuries and ask them to go along with his plan and by promissing to pay them some easy money. They will move around a busy street and look out for such drivers that are using their cell phones for talk or texting. The criminals will take advantage of his distraction and make sure that you would ram into their vehicle.  Then they would present their "victums" to collect the as much as possible in $50000 or more from your car insurance.
3. Fake accident with hitting, driving into the road crossing just in front of your car stranger also called "Swoop and Squat."
Such fake accidents are more rare than the number1 and 2 onthis list just because the scam artists would need to take direct hit by car into their body to have real broken bones, some real damages and real or realistic looking signs of the serious body injury. Working alone scam artists could not have fake injuries because the insurance companies have their own doctors to check victums in case of the large insurance claims.  Such scam artists would be working as a team with their doctors on their payrol.  The worst part is that chiropractors and doctors are usually involved in such cases.  In all accidents the actor,swindler will run towards moving car at some speed and then suddenly come to halt, stop, squat, in front of vehicle. Then those pedustrians-scam artists would present their story (lies)to the officials, insurance companies as victims tried to avoid the accident with the car appeared suddenly speeding out of nowhere car!
4. You and your car rear ended the other car just undertaken and cut into your lane of traffic in  front  of your moving vehicle also called  "Sideswipe."                                                                                                    Such criminals, scam artists in this case will move in their cars in the lanes of traffic from left or to the right of you.  Then they would make their car suddenly switch the lanes of traffic with cutting your way and  undertaking your car in your lane of traffic just in front of you without any regards to the safe distance between them and the car behind!  This way they would force you to collide into them and have an accident. This is usually done on the highway and streets with many lanes of traffic.  Then such scam artists would have on their side the officials and insurance companies with the results of accident (you rear ended the car in front) and nobody would even try to hear your side of story that other car suddenly appeared in your lane!  The laws specify that you have to always steer clear from car in front of you!  Nobody would care that scam organizers overtaken your car momentarily and did not give you enough distance, time to stop your car without hitting their vehicle.  And again it could be single acting alone scam, criminal (Fraud 1)or the organized group (Fraud2) from this list described above!
  5. You could be approached by the Shady Helpers having in their sights the opportunity to scam you from as much money as possible in offers to fix your car, your injuries by referring to shady services providers.
Shady Helpers will approach you after you have had a real  accident and not one that has been organized, as such.  They will then accompany you to a some good and cheap doctor or lawyer and maybe even a repair shop. The involved referred "professionals" will try their best to scam you on sold by them services, products and make as much money as possible without any regards to the quality of the job done. Such dishonest people would want to take the advantage over the people in very stressful situation with the need to make the important decisions in very limited time after accident.

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