Friday, April 12, 2013

Top10 Worst Most Popular Car Accident Insurance Frauds

You and all other drivers should be aware about the many thousands dishonest individuals and even large groups, teams of scam artists and helpers that want to make money the quick, simple and easy but illegal way!   Most of car owners would be horrified to learn that some drivers on the road at same time actually prepared to organize the car accidents, present themself as real victums, scam the auto insurance companies to pay many thousands dollars in each scam for car repairs and medical expenses bills.  And you may be their next set up in the real accident or just paper scam victim.   And Your paid for car insurance mothly Premiums money amounts would skyrocket!
1.  You and your car rear ended the car in front driven by experienced scam artist  in the "real"  accident.
All the laws everywhere are on the side of such "victum". It is does not matter for legal authorities or for the most of the insurance companies's own investigators.  The law says that driver in following car should steer clear from the rear end of the car in front in case of the panic stop or any other accident collision situations.  The scam (fraud) "artist" posed as the victum and would intentionally move a little slower than the other cars just a few feet in front of your vehicle in the highway or city traffic and then suddenly come to a sudden stop or even more slow speed. Just the individuals scamsters could collect the many thousands of dollars on the car repairs and body injuries treatment, other medical expenses paid by your insurance company. And Your current regular paid for car insurance mothly Premiums money amounts would skyrocket as your insurance company would want you to recover some money lost on payments to such scamsters! And You should add to this large money loss the registered accident in your previously spotless driving records!  There are less and less the individuals scamsters onthe road.   Now they all are organized in teams with their own doctors, lawyers, car insurance agents, car damage estimators at body repair shops to collect the as much as possible in $10000 or more from your car insurance.
2.  You and your car rear ended  the car in front full of scam actors-passengers after the fake car panic stop accident.                                                                                      The teams of criminals with their own doctors, lawyers, car insurance agents, car damage estimators at body repair shops would gather a number of passengers and skilled actors with the fake or real but not from this accident and not reported to doctors back, spine and neck injuries and ask them to go along with his plan and by promissing to pay them some easy money. They will move around a busy street and look out for such drivers that are using their cell phones for talk or texting. The criminals will take advantage of his distraction and make sure that you would ram into their vehicle.  Then they would present their "victums" to collect the as much as possible in $50000 or more from your car insurance.
3. Fake accident with hitting, driving into the road crossing just in front of your car stranger also called "Swoop and Squat."
Such fake accidents are more rare than the number1 and 2 onthis list just because the scam artists would need to take direct hit by car into their body to have real broken bones, some real damages and real or realistic looking signs of the serious body injury. Working alone scam artists could not have fake injuries because the insurance companies have their own doctors to check victums in case of the large insurance claims.  Such scam artists would be working as a team with their doctors on their payrol.  The worst part is that chiropractors and doctors are usually involved in such cases.  In all accidents the actor,swindler will run towards moving car at some speed and then suddenly come to halt, stop, squat, in front of vehicle. Then those pedustrians-scam artists would present their story (lies)to the officials, insurance companies as victims tried to avoid the accident with the car appeared suddenly speeding out of nowhere car!
4. You and your car rear ended the other car just undertaken and cut into your lane of traffic in  front  of your moving vehicle also called  "Sideswipe."                                                                                                    Such criminals, scam artists in this case will move in their cars in the lanes of traffic from left or to the right of you.  Then they would make their car suddenly switch the lanes of traffic with cutting your way and  undertaking your car in your lane of traffic just in front of you without any regards to the safe distance between them and the car behind!  This way they would force you to collide into them and have an accident. This is usually done on the highway and streets with many lanes of traffic.  Then such scam artists would have on their side the officials and insurance companies with the results of accident (you rear ended the car in front) and nobody would even try to hear your side of story that other car suddenly appeared in your lane!  The laws specify that you have to always steer clear from car in front of you!  Nobody would care that scam organizers overtaken your car momentarily and did not give you enough distance, time to stop your car without hitting their vehicle.  And again it could be single acting alone scam, criminal (Fraud 1)or the organized group (Fraud2) from this list described above!
  5. You could be approached by the Shady Helpers having in their sights the opportunity to scam you from as much money as possible in offers to fix your car, your injuries by referring to shady services providers.
Shady Helpers will approach you after you have had a real  accident and not one that has been organized, as such.  They will then accompany you to a some good and cheap doctor or lawyer and maybe even a repair shop. The involved referred "professionals" will try their best to scam you on sold by them services, products and make as much money as possible without any regards to the quality of the job done. Such dishonest people would want to take the advantage over the people in very stressful situation with the need to make the important decisions in very limited time after accident.

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